It was found that it was more efficient for refining crude anthracene with DMF and for refining crude carbazole with TCE. 实验发现DMF对粗蒽制取精蒽效果较好,四氯乙烯对粗咔唑的精制效果明显优于传统工艺。
Effect of crystallizing temperature on quality of crude anthracene 结晶温度对粗蒽质量的影响
Contents of Phenanthrene and Anthracene in Crude Anthracene Measured with Ultraviolet Ray Absorption Spectral Method 用紫外吸收光谱法测定粗蒽中菲、蒽的含量
Determination of Anthracene in Coal Tar Crude Anthracene by Capillary Gas Chromatography 毛细管气相色谱法测定煤焦油粗蒽中蒽的含量
Factors affecting the refinement of crude anthracene by emulsion-crystallization 乳化结晶法精制粗蒽的影响因素
Study on Extraction of Refined Anthracene from Crude Anthracene 从粗蒽中提取精蒽的研究
Status and development of crude anthracene processing 粗蒽加工工艺的研究现状和进展
The Solvent Choice of the Refined Process of Separating Crude Anthracene 粗蒽分离精制过程中的溶剂选择